Lakewood Public Schools Food Services

  • We strive to provide a nutritious, well-balanced meal for your child and create a fun place to eat!  The district uses an automated point-of-sale computer system to manage students' breakfast and lunch accounts.  Every student in the district has an individual account where they can deposit funds to cover meal purchases.   

  • How far in advance should I pre-pay my student's account?

    Posted by:

    It is recommended that parents pre-pay by the week or month.

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  • How can I pre-pay for my student's lunch and breakfast?

    Posted by:

    It's easy for parents to prepay for their student's lunch and breakfast on-line or by sending a check.  Parents can add money to their student(s) lunch accounts, as well as monitor their student(s) purchases by visiting The Family Portal.  

    Deposits can be sent to school with your student or mailed directly to the Food Service Office.  Please make checks payable to Lakewood Food Service and mail to 8699 E. Brown Road, Woodland, Michigan, 48897.

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    Lakewood Public Schools
    Traci Brewer, Food Service Director
    Food Service Department
    8699 East Brown Road, Woodland  48897

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Food Service Resource Library

    All meals include milk. Milk only can be purchased for .65¢.

    Breakfast: $1.50
    Lunch: $2.60

    Breakfast: $1.70
    Lunch: $2.85

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