Lakewood Public Schools Maintenance Team

  • Lakewood Public Schools is committed to maintaining our school facilities and grounds at a level that enables our educators to best meet the needs of our learners.  Our maintenance teams work hard to prolong the life expectancy of our school buildings, furniture, and equipment.  We know that maintaining safe, clean, and healthy school facilities provides optimal learning environments for all Lakewood students.  The Lakewood Public School Board of Education is deeply invested in preserving our facilities and infrastructure through regularly scheduled maintenance of the exterior and interior of school buildings.  After all, our schools belong to this community and we must reflect on the community and all that makes Lakewood Public Schools a great place for our families.

Nick Chase
    Lakewood Public Schools
    Maintenance Department
    223 West Broadway 
    Woodland, Michigan  48897
    616.374.8858 [fax]

    Nick Chase, Director of Maintenance and Transportation
    Email: Nick Chase